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Environment Friendly Industrial Trucks

As we see more and more emphasis on “green” initiatives to reduce impact on the environment,Vac•Con® is proud to be a leader in the industry. Our forward thinking and custom manufacturing techniques allow us to put environmental impact at the forefront of our diverse processes. We have been manufacturing products used to assist public and private entities in maintaining water collection systems and treatment facilities for more than 30 years. We can all help assure that the world’s potable water supplies are preserved for future generations simply by not wasting or polluting this precious resource.

Vac•Con® also manufactures products that are efficient in operation. Most of our equipment is powered by an inherently efficient hydro static drive. This drive system has an operating efficiency of 98%, as compared to mechanical drives, which have substantial mechanical loss through shafts, belts, and gear lash. To further improve this fundamental efficiency, Vac•Con uses larger capacity hydro static pumps, which allow the systems to perform at much lower engine RPM. The big benefit here is a significant reduction in fuel consumption: Less fuel means less cost and less exhaust gas. Reducing the RPM also means quieter operation, a healthy benefit for operators and community residents around the world.

Vac•Con’s exclusive 3-Stage Centrifugal Compressor operates at a performance level that loads material faster than any machine on the market. This equals less time on the job and consequently less fuel to complete each job … an efficient alternative.

Of course, by law, all Vac•Con® equipment delivered in the United States is mounted on truck chassis that meet the current, 50 State, U.S. EPA standards. But Vac•Con® can also provide chassis with engines powered by CNG (Compressed Natural Gas) for those customers who request this alternative. For dual-engine machines, all auxiliary power meets current U.S. EPA standards, and are also available with “scrubbers” to further reduce tailpipe particulate emissions or CNG power.

In addition to its commitment to providing more efficient equipment to its markets, as a corporation, Vac•Con® is always looking for ways to become more efficient and green in its operations. Currently, Vac•Con® is in the process of converting all machine and engineering paper files to electronic data. This will consolidate the files, dramatically reduce the amount of time required to retrieve information from these valuable resources, and create more usable office space. But, more importantly, Vac•Con will no longer be creating paper files for each machine, making this both a lean and environmentally friendly initiative. Join us in finding new ways to eliminate waste and conserve our natural resources.

If you have questions about how Vac•Con® can meet your “green” requirements, please contact us.

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